Well, Spring is here and Daylight Savings has me unsure if I’m Arthur or Martha. And I’ve been telling everyone what a great idea it is to blog but not doing it myself. Tsk, tsk.
Why haven’t I been blogging, you may ask. We’ve been living up to our Busybird name. I’ve been helping people write copy for their websites, writing tenders, laying out books and designing covers for Journey and Page Seventeen, as well as tracking down good venues for book launches.
Les has been editing until his eyes go cross-eyed. Our Journey book is almost ready for layout and we almost have our special Forward written by our special guest.

Kev has been sketching away with me cracking the whip at him. He’s finished the Journey image and is now working on our exciting kids book that we have in the works called Who is Cheeky Monkey?
The Cheeky Monkey project is very, very exciting. Not only will it be a really fun kids book with gorgeous illustrations by Kev (words by me), but we’re working with Pam Fallon on what will be at least an eight book series. We’ll be giving a percentage of profits to Destiny Rescue to help them get kids out of the sex trade.
See? That’s why I haven’t given updates but I think it’s important to let people know what’s going on in our nest because there are many who wait with anticipation for these projects to come to fruition.