The Busybird Creative Fellowship Opens Today!

When you’re initially finding your way as a writer or artist, trial and error often shapes your path. You’re oblivious to literary communities and usually brimming with naivety. It’s natural. Like a child stumbling out into the world, unaware of all the dangers. And whilst experience is often a great educator, it can also set you back, if not discourage you.

So what do you do when you’re starting out? Especially if you really don’t know what’s out there? In all likelihood, unless you’re born into an artistic family or have artistic friends, there’s a good chance you’re not going to know about opportunities. You’ll simply think you’re a biggish fish in a big pond.

Courses and schooling are brilliant. You get to meet other writers and artists, make friends, create networks, and learn about what’s out there. You’ll also learn that the pond’s a little smaller than you might’ve originally conceived, and you’re not only a tiny fish, but one of just so many fishes.

The one issue with courses and schooling is the commitment. Not everybody can afford them – either financially, or in the time and energy that’s required.  You can try shorter courses, if possible. Or join workshopping groups. Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that any group will be amenable or informative. Some might be intimidating.

An avenue that Busybird Publishing has introduced is the Busybird Creative Fellowship, which has been designed purely with the fledgling writer or artist in mind. Applicants must have less than three short story/article publications or never have exhibited.

The winning applicant will receive:

  • actual cash ($500)
  • use of the Busybird Publishing studio gallery spaces
  • use of the Busybird team as mentors
  • free entry to any of our in-house workshops
  • discounted publishing services.

Whilst all the material goodies are great – and I’m sure everybody could imagine how they’d put those to use – it’s the mentoring which arguably is the most invaluable.

The Busybird Team are comprised of artists who can use their experience to guide you through the formative stages of your journey, and accelerate your development.

The Busybird Creative Fellowship is perfect for any writer or artist trying to find their way.

Applications can be obtained by clicking this link.

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