In case you haven’t heard, let me shout it anew: the latest issue of page seventeen is now available in paperback form.
You might be aware that Issue 12 was the first page seventeen to be produced as a digital edition. Which is awesome. But page seventeen has always been about having that physical copy as well – it just feels a little more official having your name on the page rather than on the screen, right? It’s something to keep on that bookshelf the digital age keeps telling us will no longer exist once e-readers become ubiquitous, because the digital age can go sit in the corner while we hang on to our print books (barely-relevant rant over).
But if you haven’t checked out page seventeen yet, both Kindle and paperback editions can be snapped up by dropping us a line at Busybird – call at (03) 9434 6365 or email via our contact form here. It’s over thirty short stories and poems from both established writers and talented up-and-comers – pretty good mix for a weekend read.
If you’re interested in older editions of page seventeen some issues are still available from Busybird – check out this site for more info. Unfortunately some of the older editions are out of print, but Issue 8 onwards are currently in stock.
And spread the word! It’s the whole point of page seventeen, after all – giving emerging writers a platform to share their work, break into the publishing world and get some momentum on their writing careers. A little extra nudge here and there never hurt anyone.
Beau Hillier | Editor, page seventeen