This is not exactly the kind of editorial that I expected to write in 2020, or any time for that matter, but life has a way of throwing unexpected things at us. We have choices. We can react, throw our arms up in despair and moan about the harshness of life, be mean to each other and worry about how our life is not ‘normal’ or we can respond by taking a step back, assessing the situation, be grateful for what we do have but also looking for the opportunities that lie within the situation.
We can learn from the humble bee. They work together for a common goal (and they work hard) and they respond to situations rather than react. They are pretty awesome creatures and our own survival is tied closely to theirs. Here’s a great article about them if you want to massage your brain further.
I went a little off tangent there, I know, but my point is to get you thinking about the big picture. Suddenly the WHOLE world is in the same situation and yet we’re worried about having enough toilet paper (as an aside, did you know that only about 30 per cent of the world uses it?).
I don’t want to be all preachy with you but I’m excited about the possibilities that lay before us in this uncertain time. Have you noticed that in this time of uncertainty that people are turning to the Arts? Kids are out on pavements drawing chalk masterpieces, people are sharing live music online, jigsaws are being dusted off, people are writing and reading books. We’re consuming art. Can you feel me smile?
We now have no more excuses for not making art. We have glorious time (except for hospital staff and we praise their work through this, let’s make art for them to enjoy). We are stuck at home with the weather heading into winter, and our imaginations to get us through it. We have food, shelter, there are no guns raging in the streets. NO MORE EXCUSES.
So, let’s do this. Here at Busybird Publishing, we want to work with you to make art. Let’s be like bees, work together and work hard. To kick this off, I will be doing a live 10-minute video every single day of April on our Facebook page. I’m going to talk about our excuses and how to turn them around. Who knows, you might have a book written by the end of the month, or at least be a long way into a project.
Here’s a list of the excuses I hear all the time (many I’ve used myself) that I will be tackling each day:
- I don’t know what to write about
- Who am I to write a book?
- I don’t have writing skills
- I don’t have time
- I have so many ideas
- I get stuck
- I can’t spell
- People will judge me
- I have nothing to say
- I’d rather watch Big Brother
- I was crap at English at high school
- It’s a waste of time
- My partner doesn’t approve
- I have too much dark stuff to write about
- I have a partner, six kids, two dogs and a cat
- What if o one reads it?
- It’s too overwhelming
- I can’t order my thoughts
- I need inspiration
- No one understands me
- I don’t want to get sued
- I don’t know how to make it compelling
- I don’t know how to write about people
- It all comes out as waffle
- I’m no expert
- No one knows who I am, why bother?
- I don’t want anyone to steal my ideas
- I’m a one finger typist
- I have writer’s block
- I don’t know if my book is any good.
Love in the time of coronavirus
Blaise, the book chick