Books have been a large part of my life ever since I was a child. My mother used to read stories to me before I was old enough to comprehend the words, or even say them. My grandma would also read to me, and I would sit starry eyed as I watched her mouth articulate each word, painting a picture with mere sounds. She always found it interesting how I would watch her so intensely, intrigued by the story.

As I grew, I began reading my own books, exploring Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and the halls of Hogwarts. Slowly, the spines became wider, the pages more densely packed with words. My mother still read books to me, classics like The Faraway Tree or The Wizard of Oz.
Reading is a wonderful experience. It transports you, educates you, entertains you, and inspires you. I love reading many genres, authors, and forms, as each is individual in its own way. Yet, there are so many books in this world, and not enough time to read them. I feel that I will never read everything I want to.
When questions about my future arose, asking where I would like to be in 5, 10, or even 15 years, I turned to this constant of reading. ‘Editor’ became a word frequently tossed around. I could help others create their dreams while also doing something I loved. And, when asked about choices for work experience placements, I knew editing was something I wanted to pursue. This led me to Busybird, and I am so happy that it did.
You know, as soon as you open the door, that this is a wonderful place. Oscar the blond labrador comes bounding up to you, slobber drooling from his mouth, and you cannot help but pat him. As you walk in, the walls are lined with books, and you can tell that these people take pride in what they do. And the first sound that enters your ears are of course the infamous 80s songs you may have read about in earlier blog posts.
This experience has been above my expectations. I cannot thank Les, Kev, all the interns, and even Oscar, for all they have taught me. The wisdom they have imparted is invaluable and I know the skills I have learnt will be influential in all my endeavours.
Not only has my knowledge of editing and proofing expanded, but that of working in an office environment and the many things needed to keep it operational and organised.
As I sit here writing this, I am beside a wall adorned with appreciation for all they have done. Many more books are published, and authors lives made complete because of the work that they do. I am so grateful for this experience, and the chance to have met such wonderful people.
Thank you, Les, and Kev, you are extraordinary and unique in a way few people are.
Work Experience Student
I loved reading all about how you came to pursing your dream. I am sure you will make a very talented editor. Thank you for sharing your story