For many young people today, the question after high school is, ‘What now?’ Suddenly faced with new freedoms and new responsibilities, life can become very confusing, very fast.
Fixed mindsets can cause missed opportunities. Life changes can evoke stress. Young people lose agency of their own life when they merely react to the world around them.
It is a time to be proactive.
Finding Your Way in Early Adulthood challenges readers to take charge of their life by working out what they really want. It encourages them to consider new perspectives that lead to wise choice-making and positive outcomes. It shows them how to break down tricky situations and emerge with a positive course of action.
Helen Middleton, a psychologist in private practice, draws on her extensive experience in teaching, secondary school counselling, gestalt therapy and family therapy. She explores the issues that confront young adults; the challenges and opportunities involved in choosing study options, workforce entry, independent living, career development, relationships; and parenting.
Finding Your Way in Early Adulthood – the young adult’s guide to taking those next, new steps into the world – is a must-read for school-leavers, counsellors, teachers, and parents.