Get Reading

Busybird Publishing is always interested in trying to be socially conscious. Our anthologies were initially designed to give new and emerging writers exposure. Our books will usually give a portion … Continued

The Story YOU Want to Tell

Lots of people are interested in writing memoir. And, because it’s memoir, they think it’s going to be easy. The whole story’s there, isn’t it? You just have to now … Continued


Here we are: 2017! Check out our last blog post to see what we already have scheduled for the new year, but we’ll be releasing our full itinerary shortly, so … Continued

The Publishing Process

Have you ever wondered about the work that goes into transforming a manuscript into a book once a publisher accepts it? It’s not as simple as the publisher saying, Hey, … Continued

The Measure of Success

What is the measure of success as a writer? If I could grant you success, what would your definition be? Everybody measures success differently, but here are some possible definitions: … Continued

Are YOU a Writer?

Are you a writer? Do you feel instinctively that you’re a writer, that you want to write and share stories with a greater audience? That storytelling is intrinsically a part … Continued

The Length of Things

One of the greatest freedoms we have as writers is determining the length of our article/story/book/novel. Screenwriting has constraints. Generally, it’s accepted that one page will equal one minute of … Continued