
The most popular question we get is this: How much does it cost to publish a book?

It’s an impossible question to answer because every book is different. What is the word count? What size book would the author like the publish? What sort of paper stock do they want to use? Do they have pictures? If so, how many? Are they colour or black & white? Does the author need structural editing? Or copyediting? Or proofing? Do they need the internals laid out? Do they need the cover designed? If so, are they coming to us with pictures, or do we need to provide those, or illustrate?

This list is by no means exhaustive. A lot of components go into the production of a book.

This is why the majority of our authors customise their publishing package.

Talk to us about your book. It’s an obligation-free discussion that’ll help us understand your project, and help you know what’s involved in the book’s production.

If you’re interested in self-publishing, then we will provide only the services that you need – it’s totally up to you! We will not push anything on you that you don’t need.

Best of all, we make no claim on your royalties or rights. They are 100% yours. If you are self-publishing, NOBODY should take these away from you.


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You can have the most spectacular content and a professional book that has great value to a reader, but how do they know it exists? Promotion is advertising a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. It’s one of the four elements of your marketing mix and important in terms of getting your book into people’s hands. Promotion covers the methods of communication used to provide information about a product. Information can be both verbal and visual. Don’t let your book sit unseen on some shelf. Strive to create awareness for your book, as well as yourself as an author.  


If you’re just embarking on your self-publishing journey, this bundle will kickstart you on the journey. We’ll start by working with you on a plan for your book (in person, Skype/Zoom or phone). This session will help you sort out the publishing timeline and ideas for promotion. Having a mock-up of your cover means that you can start pre-selling your book and funding your project. You can also send out the media release or book blurb to start getting some media attention or book store orders.

Original price was: $1,200.00.Current price is: $695.00.