The Value of Workshopping

One of the problems we face when revising is losing our objectivity. The more we work on something, the harder it becomes to see issues. We know our writing. We … Continued

Audience Assemble!

Every piece of writing has an audience. It might be a magazine’s readership, or it might just be for yourself when you vent into your diary or write up a … Continued

The Failure of Inspiration

So you’re taking a walk, or doing the washing, or lying in bed – well, you’re doing something relatively ordinary. Then it hits. Inspiration. You have a brilliant idea for … Continued

Time to Write

A new year! And about now, most writers can be broken into any of the following categories: I’m going to start something new I’m going to finish that book I’ve … Continued


Writing memoir presents us with different challenges to writing fiction. Even though the story’s there in its entirety – after all, we’ve lived it – a lot of people ask, … Continued

The Beginning

Page seventeen has the specific focus of providing a home for new writers to have something published. Through both general submissions and competitions, the annual collection invites every individual looking … Continued